Multilingual Education


College View Elementary School is a Transitional Native Language Instruction (TNLI) school. Our program serves our Spanish-Speaking students. Students are instructed primarily in Spanish in the early grades and as students progress through the program, the amount of English instruction gradually increases as they become more proficient in English.  TNLI instruction follows the district’s research-based language allocation guidelines.  

To opt-in to TNLI programming, choose “Option 1”  on the Parent Permission Form that you receive when you register your student.  Here is more info and a video about TNLI programming.

EL Achieve

All of our multilingual learners engage in 45 minutes of direct and explicit English Language instruction each day.  College View uses EL Achieve, a systematic English language development (ELD) curriculum that supports learners to develop proficiency in all four domains of language: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students dive into theme-based units as they practice to develop their English language skills.

Seal of Biliteracy

At College View through our TNLI programming, we are preparing our students to graduate with the DPS Seal of Biliteracy.  This recognition awards students who demonstrate mastery in multiple languages.  The DPS Seal of Biliteracy is included on transcripts, is free to obtain, and can often help our students stand out as they grow into productive world citizens. We believe that being bilingual is a superpower!  Here is more information about the DPS Seal of Biliteracy and the Seal of Biliteracy Requirements.

MLE Content and Lead Roles: 2024-2025

MLE Content Leads serve as leaders of equity for Multilingual Learners (MLLs) at their school.  These roles will continue to be part of schools’ Teacher Leadership and Collaboration (TLC) model for the 24-25 School Year. 

Our Language and Biliteracy Content Leads will engage in cycles of planning, classroom visits/feedack, and progress monitoring within the following focus areas: