Gifted & Talented

College View’s top priority is that every student– including Gifted and Talented students– receives high quality education every day. This is accomplished through a combination of directed programming to our gifted and advanced learners and through supporting teachers in meeting the needs of the gifted  and talented students in their classrooms . Our GT students and advanced learners receive directed programming using higher-order questioning, advanced use of technology, flexible grouping within the classroom, and  small group pull out services. Multiple leadership opportunities exist through reciprocal teaching and socratic seminars. Student choice directs independent inquiry projects and investigations that provide opportunities for students to utilize in-depth study of real-world applications. College View Elementary provides GT services through a culturally responsive and social emotional lens. Affective needs goals are created with parents and teachers. Collaboration with Special Education teachers, school psychologists, school therapists, and our Success Team serve the whole child.