Our Mission: College View is a caring, collaborative community, balancing love and high expectations. We welcome and empower all identities and support every student to build on to their academic, linguistic, and social-emotional skills. Our safe and fun environment provides opportunities for all to explore, take risks, and thrive. Our Vision: Activate Your YOU!
College View families, the Southwest Community Hub (previously known as the FACE centers) located at Johnson Elementary is offering Fall semester classes to the community. Attached you will find the flyers for the upcoming workforce, computer, and citizenship workshop flyers.…Continue Reading
¡Las inscripciones en-persona para el año escolar 2022-23 se llevará a cabo en la cafetería de College View el lunes 8 de agosto y el martes 9 de agosto de 9:00 a 2:00! Para un registro más rápido, puede completar…Continue Reading