Denver Public Schools granted schools across the district an additional teacher planning day to accelerate student learning due to the impact of the pandemic. These days will be different based on region and school. College View Elementary will have a NO…Continue Reading
Children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of cold weather. These tips will help Head Start parents and staff keep children safe, healthy, and warm in the winter. Click here for tips to keep your children safe, healthy,…Continue Reading
We love celebrating our Bulldogs! We had a wonderful time celebrating our students on Friday. Please click the link below to watch the K-2 or 3-5 Awards Ceremony. K-2 Trimester 1 Awards Ceremony 3-5 Trimester 1 Awards Ceremony
CSC Meeting Agenda College View Elementary 2675 S. Decatur St. Denver, CO 80219 2021-2022 Date: 12.6.2021 Time: 2:45-3:30 Meeting Location: CVE Collaboratory Committee Members: Shelley Boberschmidt, Joey Denoncourt, Deb Rohrer, Yadira Almanza, Vanessa Mendoza, Kristine Arnold, Mitchell Salinas, Brett…Continue Reading
In this webinar, Dr. Hector de Leon will present information about COVID-19 vaccines, specifically the emergency use authorization for children ages 5-11. Hear an informative presentation and ask your questions. Click here for more information.
El Denver Center for the Performing Arts (Centro de Artes Escénicas de Denver) y la ciudad deLakewood se complace en ofrecerle boletos comunitarios gratuitos para Camp Christmas (campamento de navidad), ¡una nueva experiencia navideña que se lleva a cabo en…Continue Reading
The Denver Center for the Performing Arts and the City of Lakewood are excited to offeryou free community tickets to Camp Christmas, a new holiday experience taking place at Heritage Lakewood Belmar Park!Reserve your free tickets now at –…Continue Reading
Estimados padres y familias:Nos complace invitarlos a la próxima Feria del Libro de Scholastic. Este evento organizadopor nuestro equipo es una oportunidad para que los alumnos de todas las edades creen subiblioteca personal y profundicen su amor por la lectura.…Continue Reading