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What Does ‘Endemic’ Mean? How Do Vaccines Play a Role?

The COVID-19 pandemic is approaching its third year. More and more states are declaring, “The [COVID-19] emergency is over” and stressing we are moving to an ‘endemic’ stage with the coronavirus. But what does that really mean? And is it trulyContinue Reading

Additional Information from Denver Health on the Feb. 25 End of the Mask Mandate

Click here to read the letter from Dr. Marrero in English and Spanish.

Vaccines for Children and Teens

Children age 5 years and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are the strongest layer of protection we can offer children against COVID-19. While fewer children get severely ill with COVID-19 than adults, they still can get sick withContinue Reading

CSC Agenda 2.8.22

2021-2022 Date: 2.8.2022 Time: 2:45-3:30         Meeting Location: CVE Collaboratory Committee Members: Shelley Boberschmidt, Joey Denoncourt, Deb Rohrer, Yadira Almanza, Vanessa Mendoza, Jennifer Zobel, Mitchell Salinas, Brett Butler, Michael Duran Absent:  Call to order, welcome Celebrations Agenda review Welcome  DiscussionContinue Reading

Mask Distribution

Denver residents will be able to pick up free KN95 and surgical masks at Denver Recreation Centers, as part of the State of Colorado’s mask distribution efforts. Masks will be available for pick up during regular operating hours at allContinue Reading

Join the Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee

The Declining Enrollment Advisory Committee will work to create recommendations on how the district should address ongoing declining enrollment, which impacts our ability to provide equitable, high-quality educational programs for our students. Superintendent Marrero will review the committee’s recommendations onContinue Reading

Join the Virtual MLE-DAC Meeting!

Virtual MLE-DAC Meeting for Families of Multilingual Learners on Jan. 26 Please join DPS for a virtual Multilingual Education Districtwide Advisory Committee (MLE DAC) meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 26 from 5-6:30 p.m. This month’s session will include:  Opportunity to getContinue Reading

At Home Oral Health Survey 21-22

Dear College View Families:  DPS cares about the health of your child. To support our efforts to identify health issues that may impact your child’s success and ability to learn, we are resuming our health screening program with in-person visionContinue Reading