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Students posing on the slide

School Choice Opens Today!

DPS SchoolChoice is as easy as Find, Apply, Register! Now’s the time to find the best-fit school for your student. Apply between 10 a.m. on Jan. 11 and 4 p.m. on Feb. 12, 2024. Find more information here! El proceso EscojoMiEscuelaContinue Reading

Cantaloupe Recall

The Center for Disease Control is concerned about a recent salmonella outbreak because the illnesses are severe and people in long-term care facilities and childcare centers have gotten sick. Do not eat pre-cut cantaloupes if you don’t know whether MalichitaContinue Reading

Connect for Success Grant

College View Families,  At last week’s Back to School Night and Title 1 Meeting I reminded you that College View Elementary was awarded the Connect for Success Grant. You can read more about the grant program online here. After receiving theContinue Reading

Support with DPS Parent Portal Account

We have heard from many families looking for support with their DPS Parent Portal Account so that they can complete the below Online Registration. Please call 720-423-3163 to reach the DPS Parent Portal and Student Technical support Team. They canContinue Reading

Caffeine Warning for Children

According to the American Academy of Psychiatry, “ At this time, pediatricians advise against caffeine for children under 12 and against any use of energy drinks for all children and teens. They also suggest limiting caffeine to at most 100Continue Reading