Latest News

Students posing on the slide

Math Night!

CVE Families, We are excited to invite you to our Math Night on Thursday, November 7th! Join us for an evening filled with fun math activities, games, and opportunities to learn together as a family. ¡Familias de CVE, estamos emocionadosContinue Reading

Tu Voz / Your Voice

Thank you for participating our the DPS Parent Survery! Here are the raffle winners: If you haven’t taken the survey please use the QR code to get to the survey . It will take you around 5 minutes. We appreaciateContinue Reading

Spirit Week

Spirit Week is next week, October 21-25. Please join us to show your school spirit! La Semana del Espíritu es la próxima semana, del 21 al 25 de octubre. ¡Únase a nosotros para mostrar su espíritu escolar!

September’s Scholars of the Month!

Cada mes celebramos a un estudiante especial de cada grado, desde Kindergarten hasta 5to grado, y a un estudiante de Esenciales durante la última reunión familiar del mes. ¡Felicidades a nuestros Estudiantes del Mes de septiembre! Each month we celebrateContinue Reading

Fall Interim Testing

4th grade students will take the fall Social Studies interim and 5th grade students will take the fall Science interim on Friday, 10/18. Be sure to plan for a good night of rest on Thursday and an on-time arrival onContinue Reading

Vaccines for Students

College View Families, Join us on Saturday, October 19th, from 11 AM to 2 PM for an important event at Pascual LeDoux. The Colorado Department of Public Health, led by Julissa Soto, will be on-site to provide vaccines for studentsContinue Reading

Walk and Roll to School Day!

Únase a nosotros el 17 de octubre para nuestro día de Caminar y Rodar en la escuela. Tendremos premios, golosinas y Dinger de los Rockies. ¡Estamos emocionados de verlos allí! Please join us on October 17 for our Walk andContinue Reading

No School!

Recuerda que no hay clases para los estudiantes del jueves 10/10 hasta el lunes 10/14. ¡Nos vemos de nuevo el martes 10/15! Remember, there is no school for students from Thursday, 10/10 through Monday, 10/14. See you back on Tuesday,Continue Reading