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Students posing on the slide

Virtual Science Night!/¡La noche de ciencias virtual!

Virtual Science Night is here! On Thursday, April 29th from Find the Google Meet links to the four different activities in Seesaw. We are partnering with Denver Zoo, Dinosaur Ridge, Cosmosphere Space Museum, and Science Explorers, and funded by the SPARK Foundation.Continue Reading

Mobile Food Bank Information

Today’s Food Bank of the Rockies mobile pantry distribution at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park is rescheduled for Friday, April 23 beginning at 9 a.m. For more locations, visit: La distribución de despensa móvil de Food Bank of the RockiesContinue Reading

Love and Resources

Beloved Bulldogs, We write this with heavy hearts as we yet again are confronted with a gun violence tragedy in our state. Our Colorado community has endured so many of these horrific events over the years. We send love andContinue Reading


WEATHER UPDATE: College View families, due to the recent winter weather, Denver Public Schools will have a 100% remote learning day for all students tomorrow, March 16th. Please have your child sign in at 8:20 AM using the Google MeetContinue Reading

Snow Day Policy Update:

DPS Community, your concerns have been heard, and we have created an outline for how we will handle severe-weather days for the rest of the 2020-21 school year. Learn more

Información del CMAS

Estimadas familias de College View: Comenzaremos las pruebas de las Medidas de Colorado para el Éxito Académico (CMAS) el 12 de Abril, 2021.  Estas evaluaciones están alineadas con los Estándares Académicos de Colorado, que son expectativas a nivel de todoContinue Reading

CMAS Information

Dear College View families: We will begin the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessments on April 12, 2021.  These Assessments are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards, which are statewide expectations of what students should know and be ableContinue Reading

Required and Recommended Vaccines for the 2021-2022 School Year

The health and safety of our students is a top priority at College View Elementary. Please visit this page for important information on updated guidance for vaccines from the state of Colorado.